Monday, March 1, 2010

Know about Keyframe.

Keyframe animation is a very old technique. In fact it is so old that one can find examples of it which go as far back as the 1600 B.C. Surprised? You shouldn't be because keyframing refers to the simple technique of making a series of sketches of a character or object in which the position of the subject changes just a little in each successive frame. When this series of frames are displayed rapidly one after another the viewer gets the illusion that the subject is moving. Many readers of this article might have come across keyframe animation in the form of flip books. In 3D animation the process of making keyframes has been made a lot less tedious and quicker. Animators nowadays don't have to manually create all the frames required for an animation sequence. They only create a few selected keyframes, say the beginning, middle and end portions of a sequence and then let animation software fill in the rest of the frames.

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